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Google AI for companies, developers and Data Scientists

Google AI for companies, developers and Data Scientists


Google has launched the Google AI platform, its complete suite of tools, products and services dedicated to artificial intelligence. This now allows companies, developers, and Data Scientists to create, train and deploy innovative Machine Learning and generative AI models.


Google AI for companies

Companies are constantly looking for ways to improve performance, productivity and customer satisfaction. Those three aim to simplify day-to-day operations, explore large volumes of unstructured data and make the customer experience more personalized.

AI addresses these concerns, and among the providers of quality AI tools, products and services is Google AI.

Among the most appealing for companies :

Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)

Generative AI offerings

  • Helps design new content (text, image, audio, video, etc.) using pre-existing and learning models ; among its applications, the development of voice virtual assistant dedicated to customer relations (Contact Center AI) and the realization of automatic editing of product photos (Generative AI Studio)
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)

Data Science offerings

  • Enables advanced data management and analysis to uncover insights for effective decision-making and prediction


Google AI for developers

Google provides developers interested in using AI in their applications with powerful tools that support a multitude of languages, including :

Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Build customized machine learning models quickly
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)

Document AI

  • Manage and leverage unstructured documents to extract insights
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)

Cloud Natural Language

  • Generating Insights from Unstructured Data
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Convert voice to text, available in 33 languages
Les cas d’usage du machine learning en entreprise

Cloud Translation

  • Translate text using the same engine as Google Translate
Les cas d’usage du machine learning en entreprise


  • Designing interactive cross-platform conversation interfaces
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)

Video AI

  • Creating original and engaging video experiences


Google AI for Data Scientists

Google provides data scientists with powerful and innovative tools to leverage the power of AI for data analytics and modeling projects :

Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)

Vertex AI

  • A unified machine learning platform for developing AI models from data preparation, transformation, training, and deployment
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)

Vertex AI Workbench

  • Advanced development and prototyping environment, based on the execution of Notebooks and covering the entire data science chain


Our offer around Google AI

Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Advising our partners in the choice of the best AI solution taking into account the existing situation and the assigned business objectives
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Train and raise awareness among our partners' employees, by presenting them with good practices in AI and increasing their skills in the solutions used
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Supporting our customers in the development and training of AI models from design to deployment
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Providing our customers with real and ongoing support, allowing them to maintain, update and secure their AI applications
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Helping our partners migrate their AI applications to dedicated AI cloud platforms and integrate with their systems and data flows

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