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Design of graphical interfaces and applications with Vue.js

Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework for building graphical interfaces and single-page web applications. It is a popular technology in front-end development.

Vue.js is known for its flexibility and ease of integration. Indeed, it allows developers to design reusable components to integrate them into web or mobile applications. Thanks to its reactivity system, Vue.js offers a smooth user experience as well as optimized loading and update times.

The use of Vue.js is growing rapidly among companies and developers contributing to its evolution. CIOs have adopted it to facilitate the launch of new development projects and the upgrade of existing applications.


The advantages of opting for Vue.JS based development


  • Versatile framework because it can be utilized in several use cases : create graphical interfaces, single-page web applications or browser extensions ; it also offers a great capacity for integration with other existing libraries using JavaScript


  • Simple and declarative syntax, easy to learn; it is enough to be familiar with JavaScript and HTML to get started


  • Renowned for its speed of execution ; it uses a “reactivity” system to minimize loading times of the user interface; it is also based on a lightweight virtual DOM system that speeds up the update process


  • Availability of a very rich official documentation; it is accessible at all levels for optimal adaptation


  • In terms of size, the main library weighs between 18 and 21KB, which makes it easy to download and lightens the weight of the site and cache


Our offer around Vue.js

Our teams made up of consultants and technical experts are ready to offer you :

  • Support during the framing of the need
  • Assistance in technological choice
  • Architectural structuring of your project
  • Development of web and mobile applications in Vue.JS
  • Preventive, corrective and evolutionary TPAM of existing applications

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