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Pentaho Development

Pentaho Development


Logigroup, an expertise in Pentaho development

In Logigroup we deploy our technical and methodological expertise every day to serve our customers, including in Pentaho development projects, a modern solution providing all the features of a Business Intelligence suite.


A Pentaho team with proven qualifications

LOGIGROUP has a multilingual and experienced Pentaho development team, ensuring a perfect understanding of the needs and constraints of our offshore customers. The Pentaho's expertise of our engineers, coupled with their proven experience established by intervening in large BI projects, are the best asset you need for an optimal result.


Pentaho : Tools and features

  • Pentaho Data Integration for ETL Data Integration
  • Pentaho report designer for reporting
  • Pentaho Cube Designer for designing OLAP cubes
  • Pentaho Business analytics for dashboards


Resource availability

For a successfully outsourced Pentaho development project, Logigroup provides you with an exclusively designed structure for offshore projects, with an approved experience on various missions. Our IT services company guarantees the availability of qualified resources, and does ensure a quick start of your decision-making project.

Tell us about your project
