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Legal Notice

Legal Notice


This text is intended to be the guideline that determines the appropriate management of data on the Logigroup website.

LOGIGROUP, whose registered office is located in 98 - 100 Aristide Briand Street, 92120 Montrouge - France, reserves the right to update and modify the terms of this document at any time and without notice.

All new features that complement or improve the current Logigroup service will be subject to this legal notice.

Responsible for the Site

LOGIGROUP SASU, a simplified joint-stock company with a single shareholder, with a share capital of € 60,000.00 registered with the RCS of Nanterre under B 901 904 870 and whose intracommunity VAT number is FR17901904870.

Address of Logigroup : 98 - 100 Aristide Briand Street, 92120 Montrouge - France

Logigroup website :

Website created by : LOGIGROUP SASU

Email :

Phone : + 33 1 84 19 00 99

Website hosted by : OVH SASU Simplified joint-stock company with sole shareholder whose registered office is at 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

Respect and protection of privacy and personal data

Data management on Logigroup

The Logigroup website may collect and process personal or professional data, with your consent, such as the last name, first name, company name and telephone number of your company in order to be able to create customer files, for a period of 3 years.

LOGIGROUP is responsible for protecting your data throughout its internal network.

In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have all the rights to request a copy of your data, its deletion or modification by contacting LOGIGROUP by post at the address of its registered office.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint through CNIL.

Network Security and Privacy

Communications you send us electronically may be intercepted. Make sure you never disclose personal or confidential information. In addition, indications of the origin of the electronic messages we receive may be misleading.

Therefore, no complaint, statement or request for advice transmitted electronically will be taken into account. Please contact us exclusively by post at the address of the registered office.

Data processing

The data collected on the website will only be accessible by LOGIGROUP employees, in order to process your request and provide an adapted service.

Due to the international nature of LOGIGROUP's activities, data transmission may be carried out outside the European Economic Area. This data will therefore be subject to data protection laws that differ from European Union law. In this case, Logigroup guarantees an appropriate level of data protection, security, and confidentiality.

Use of cookies

LOGIGROUP may use a system of "cookies".

Cookies do not identify you but are intended to collect information during your visit to our website. LOGIGROUP will then be able to better understand your interests and provide you with information tailored to your needs.

These "cookies" will also save you from having to retype the information provided each time. You can detect the existence of these "cookies" and, if necessary, delete them. You can also deny their storage by disabling this function of your browser.

Respect for copyright

Use of Website Information and Copyright

The use of any element (photos, texts, images, etc.) from the website for commercial purposes is prohibited.

LOGIGROUP strives to ensure, as far as possible, the accuracy and updating of the information published on the website However, we emphasize that the verification of information on the website belongs to the visitor, and we invite you to contact us in case the information is incorrect.

Consequently, LOGIGROUP declines all responsibility for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission relating to the information available on the site; for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party resulting in a modification of the information made available on the site and more generally for any damage, direct or indirect, whatever the cause, origins or natures, caused by anyone's access to the site.

In addition, unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights on each element and brand included or freshly created on the website is the exclusive property of LOGIGROUP or its suppliers.

The reproduction of all elements published on the site (products, logos and images) is authorized only for information purposes, any copy or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Application of French and European legislation

Failure to comply with the above-mentioned rules will result in prosecution and sanctions against violators.

This document is governed by and interpreted in accordance with French and European laws and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts. If any clause of this document is found to be void, invalid or without legal effect, all other clauses shall remain applicable.

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