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Application Development in Java / JEE

Application Development in Java / JEE


Powerful web applications with Java / JEE

Application development in Java / JEE makes it possible to create professional, robust, and scalable web applications. Java is a popular programming language, and widely used for software and web content design. JEE, or Java Enterprise Edition, is an extension of Java and provides additional functionality for the development of modern web applications for businesses.

Ultimately, application development in Java / JEE is a go to approach for CIOs designing robust and ergonomic web applications. The size and quality of the Java community sharpens IT initiatives enabling them to meet the most complex application needs.


The advantages of application development in Java / JEE

Systèmes d'exploitation possibles pour le multiplateforme


  • Applications developed in Java/JEE are known to be reliable and stable ; they are able to absorb high workloads
Systèmes d'exploitation possibles pour le multiplateforme


  • Compatible with many technologies, making it easy to integrate with existing infrastructure
Systèmes d'exploitation possibles pour le multiplateforme


  • Scalable and easily extensible to meet future IT department needs
Systèmes d'exploitation possibles pour le multiplateforme


  • Large sized and with its highly active members, allowing companies to stay up to date with the latest news and updates
Systèmes d'exploitation possibles pour le multiplateforme


  • Secured with robust security mechanisms ; they can withstand common security attacks


Logigroup, a recognized expert in Java development

Intervening in technological and computer engineering missions, Logigroup has acquired high expertise in Java / JEE development.

Our teams of multilingual engineers support you in the development of your Java projects, guaranteeing you a high level of commitment and quality, accompanied by a certified technical and methodological expertise.

Thanks to a qualified team and an efficient methodology, we offer you the best technological solutions to ensure the success of your projects.


The tools, frameworks and main Java / JEE architectures used by our teams

Systèmes d'exploitation possibles pour le multiplateforme


  • JSP, JSF, Thymeleaf, Spring, Hibernate, Struts, etc.
Systèmes d'exploitation possibles pour le multiplateforme

Application servers

  • TomCat, Glassfish, etc.
Systèmes d'exploitation possibles pour le multiplateforme

Software architectures

  • MVC (Model-View-Controller), N-Tiers, etc.

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