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RabbitMQ and microservices

RabbitMQ and microservices


RabbitMQ : mediator between microservices

RabbitMQ is an open source messaging solution that promotes asynchrone communication and distributed modeling between microservices. Supports several messaging protocols such as AMQP, it is also deployable on various platforms, whether On-premise or in Cloud.

The availability and reliability of RabbitMQ comes from the use of a queuing system. The latter allows you to store each message until it arrives to the target application.

RabbitMQ is flexible and scalable thanks to its message routing system and cluster management. These make it possible to adapt the necessary resources according to the specific needs of microservices.

The solution is compatible with multiple programming languages and can be used in event-driven architectures. Security is also required to guarantee the encryption, confidentiality and integrity of the messages exchanged.

Finally, all these attributes make RabbitMQ a solution particularly suitable for microservices architecture.


Why choose RabbitMQ?

Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Ensures message delivery from point A to point B, and manages queue service in the event of failures of various kinds
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Offers advanced security features such as authentication, access control, data encryption, ...
Les cas d’usage du machine learning en entreprise


  • Offers a variety of messaging protocols to meet the specific needs of every microservices architecture
Les cas d’usage du machine learning en entreprise


  • Able to handle large volumes of events thanks to its cluster system


Our offer on RabbitMQ

Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Implementation and configuration with microservices infrastructures
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Awareness and coaching about best practices for technical teams
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Assisting our partners for an optimal implementation of RabbitMQ
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Technical assistance and troubleshooting problems related to RabbitMQ


RabbitMQ and Kafka Services Comparison

RabbitMQ Kafka
Ecosystem and integration Large ecosystem with multiple libraries and plugins Limited number of plugins available but similar in term of libraries
Deployment and administration Intuitive and easy-to-configure user interface More complex configuration, requires a higher level of mastery
Interoperability The use of standard protocols for communication facilitates the transition to another message broker if necessary Kafka uses its own protocol, which has a strong dependency on this solution
Messaging model Support for various messaging models such as queues and exchanges Focused primarily on the Publish-Subscribe model, but can also be used for point-to-point communication

Ecosystem and integration :

  • Large ecosystem with multiple libraries and plugins

Deployment and administration :

  • Intuitive and easy-to-configure user interface

Interoperability :

  • The use of standard protocols for communication facilitates the transition to another message broker if necessary

Messaging model :

  • Support for various messaging models such as queues and exchanges

Ecosystem and integration :

  • Limited number of plugins available but similar in term of libraries

Deployment and administration :

  • More complex configuration, requires a higher level of mastery

Interoperability :

  • Kafka uses its own protocol, which has a strong dependency on this solution

Messaging model :

  • Focused primarily on the Publish-Subscribe model, but can also be used for point-to-point communication

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