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Specific development

Specific development


Specific, Cross-Platforms and Interconnected

We propose specific application development, based on your business needs, with cross-platform features. It can be installed on both desktop computers & mobile devices and will be accessible from any web browser. The asset of this type of application is to improve users' interactivity by allowing them to log in at any moment to view or input data.

The developed application can be connected to your existing business applications. It can be interfaced through different approaches :

  • API interface
  • Using web services
  • Access to databases
  • Setting up an intermediary database (ETL data feed for example)

We generally utilize the Agile Methodology (SCRUM) along with a phase of technical and graphical conception for the endeavor of presenting realistic models that provide a fast app visualization.

  • A conception based on your business challenges: defining and prioritizing your business functions along with a visual conception
  • Application development and providing of a demo for every finished sprint
  • Application deployment on different environments and training on tools' administration


Technologies for application development

  • Java / JEE
  • Microsoft .Net
  • WinDev, WebDev and WinDev Mobile
  • Web frameworks such as Angular, Node JS, Zend Framework or CodeIgniter
  • Mobile Technologies such as IONIC, ReactNative, Java or Swift


Possible operating systems for multiplatforms

Possible operating systems for multiplatforms


  • Windows or Mac
Possible operating systems for multiplatforms


  • Android or iOS
Possible operating systems for multiplatforms

Responsive web design (RWD)

Tell us about your project
