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Cybersecurity documentation, the pillar of your cybersecurity

Cybersecurity documentation, the pillar of your cybersecurity


57% of French companies said they were facing an increase in cyberattacks in 2022. While adopting a cybersecurity strategy is an imperative today, it must be applied and formalized in ISS documentation to be truly effective and sustainable.


What is Cybersecurity documentation ?

Cybersecurity documentation is a body of documents that outline the cybersecurity strategy and procedures to follow in the event of an incident. Among them are :

The Information System Security Policy (ISSP)

  • This sets out in detail your company's cybersecurity strategy. This policy defines the assets to be protected, the security solutions to be adopted, the procedures and protocols to be respected, but also the responsibility of the various employees with regard to the company's IT security

The Security Assurance Plan (SAP)

  • This contractual document, used by service providers, makes it possible to present to customers and prospects the guarantees offered in terms of cybersecurity prior to a collaboration

The Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

  • Includes all the measures to be followed to continue your company's operations and activities in the event of a crisis

The Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

  • Refers to all the procedures and means to restore your information system in the event of a disaster

The Post-Disaster Recovery (PDR)

  • Unlike the DRP, the PDR focuses on protocols that aim to restore the IS following a critical incident


The benefits of a cybersecurity documentation

Writing all the documents that make up a cybersecurity document allows you to :

  • Define your company's Cybersecurity Vision, through clear objectives and pragmatic means to protect your tangible and intangible assets
  • Anticipating incidents : this reflective work carried out upstream will allow your company to be prepared on the day an IT incident occurs, without panic, and with guidelines to follow to respond in the best possible way
  • Clarify the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders concerned by IT security issues, with the aim of coordination and mobilization around the common challenges of protection against threats
  • Create a common ground to train and raise awareness among employees, so that everyone adopts the right reflexes daily to protect the company's IT assets
  • Map critical assets : Sensitive data and the most critical applications need to be subject to enhanced safeguards, so it's important to identify them in your SSI documentation
  • Have a stable base for continuous improvement of cybersecurity practices : since the cyber threat landscape is constantly evolving, your cyber strategy will also need to adapt. As such, SSI documentation plays a key role in improving your security plan as threats evolve
  • Optimize risk management : while the design and implementation of an ISSP reduces the risk of exposure to cyber threats, other documents such as the BCP or the DRP can drastically reduce the consequences of a cyberattack


Logigroup supports you through the creation of your cybersecurity documentation

Designing and writing the corpus of documents that make up your cybersecurity documentation is a time-consuming, demanding work that requires a methodology, a neutral and critical eye as well as advanced expertise in cybersecurity.

Logigroup supports you in the production of each of these documents, considering the uniqueness of your company and the regulatory framework of its market. Our proven experience in cybersecurity allows us to support you in a personalized way in all the steps inherent to the realization of your cybersecurity documentation.

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