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Amazon Web Services Integration

Amazon Web Services Integration


Amazon Web Services, cloud services redesigned by Amazon

Launched in 2006, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the Cloud Computing platform bringing together Amazon's Cloud services. AWS offers more than 200 native services covering a variety of technologies, sectors and use cases that can serve CIOs.

Its global footprint has greatly expanded, covering 87 Availability Zones in 27 geographic regions. The AWS Cloud has millions of active users and tens of thousands of partners worldwide. In terms of pricing, it has a usage-based approach that is implemented for the majority of services, allowing CIOs to adapt their budget to their specific needs and expectations.

Security, availability, and performance characterize this market leader. Many services are offered to users :

Compréhension du Master Data Management

Amazon Simple Storage (S3)

  • Stores Data Confidentially
Compréhension du Master Data Management

Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

  • Configures, manages, and replicates all types of relational databases
Compréhension du Master Data Management

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • Manages identities and access to AWS services and resources
Compréhension du Master Data Management

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

  • Dynamically scales resources using instances to accommodate the specific workloads needed
Compréhension du Master Data Management

AWS Security Groups

  • Controls Traffic to Resources
Compréhension du Master Data Management

Amazon CloudFront

  • Delivers content with Low Latency and High Transfer Speeds
Compréhension du Master Data Management

AWS Secrets Manager

  • Centrally monitors the lifecycle of secrets (e.g. passwords, DB IDs, API keys, ...)
Compréhension du Master Data Management

Amazon API Gateway

  • Designs, maintains, and secures APIs at any scale

Ultimately, AWS gives impact to CIOs wishing to open up to the Cloud, from database management, to the use of Big Data and AI, through software development.


AWS migration management

Migrating to AWS provides many organizations with access to reliable, flexible, and high-performance, industry-leading services.

You can migrate different types of resources to Amazon Web Services (AWS), including :

Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)

Virtual Machines / Servers

  • Deploy your work/IT environment within the AWS Cloud
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Deploy containers with Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Elastic Container Service (ECS), or Amazon Kubernetes Service (EKS) for orchestration with processing and monitoring solutions and tools
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Migrate your databases to Amazon RDS or Amazon DynamoDB
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Use Amazon S3, S3 Glacier, Elastic Block Store (EBS), EFS, or FSx storage services to securely host your data
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Authorization and authentication management through AWS Identity and Access Management. Partnerships with the main players in the sector make it possible to meet the challenges of Network and Infrastructure Security, Host and Endpoint Security, Data Protection and Encryption, Application Security, etc
Les cas d’usage du machine learning en entreprise

Web Applications

  • Deploy and manage your web applications through different amazon services such as Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon EC2 or Cloudfront
Les cas d’usage du machine learning en entreprise

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Integrate a wide range of AI solutions for your applications through AWS's pre-trained AI services such as Amazon Textract, A2I, Lex, …
Les cas d’usage du machine learning en entreprise

Internet of Things (IoT)

  • Exploit and visualize IoT data using AWS IoT


Benefits of Amazon Web Services

  • Controlled management of the budget by adjusting the resources allocated according to scalability needs
  • Access to multiple data centers spread across all continents
  • The SLA availability garantee of 99.9% ensures high reliability of the service
  • A flexible backup strategy that offers users a variety of alternatives whether on-demand or automated :
    • Regional
    • Multi-regional
    • Snapshot
  • Wide range of services to meet the most specific needs :
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • IoT
    • CI/CD, …
  • Cybersecurity: high level of physical security (e.g. unauthorized access, management of natural disasters, etc.) and logical (e.g. AI-assisted firewall to guard against DDoS attacks, automatic security check via AWS SecurityHub, ...)


Our offer around Amazon Web Services

Logigroup offers consulting, implementation, and integration services to support you in carrying your digital transformation to the Cloud in general and via Amazon Web Services in particular.

Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)

Business Intelligence

  • Data Warehousing: secure storage of large amounts of data always ready for use
  • Data Lake (ETL processing)
  • AI geospatial analysis
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Development of applications using a Cloud-native or Serverless
  • Development of API Gateway via Amazon API Gateway
  • CI / CD : facilitating integration and iterative deliveries
  • Deployment automation and simplified scaling via Kubernetes
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Design of the Cloud architecture: private, public cloud, hybrid, multi-cloud, …
  • Implementation and maintenance of dedicated infrastructure: VLANs, VPC, Firewall, VPN
  • Network Security
  • Requirement engineering and scope development
  • Feasibility study and technical audit
  • Deployment and configuration of solutions
  • Optimization and update of the IT infrastructure
  • Management and monitoring of changes in the requirements and specifications
Les avantages de l’intelligence artificielle (IA)


  • Machine Learning (Deep Learning and Machine Learning training at a lower cost on a specialized infrastructure)
  • Compute Engine (virtual machine, storage, VM Manager and Bare Metal solution)
  • Monitoring (SLO supervision, real-time metrics and alerts, dashboards, …)
  • IoT (IoT services and solutions to connect and manage billions of devices)


Comparison of Google Cloud Platform / Azure / AWS services

AWS Azure Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Global Market (source : Statista) AWS is in a dominant position in the market (33%) Azure is the second largest provider (22%) GCP is the third largest provider (9%)
Documentation AWS is the most complete in terms of documentation, with the availability of user and developer guides, API references, tutorials, …) Azure has documentation that provides the ability to learn how to manage high-performance applications using Azure Cloud Services GCP offers enriched documentation with guides, best practices, architecture diagrams, …)
Global network AWS has the most extensive Cloud infrastructure with 87 Availability Zones in 245 countries and territories on five continents Azure is available in 61 regions and 175 countries/territories GCP is available in 35 regions, 103 zones, and more than 200 countries and territories

Global Market (source : Statista) :

  • AWS is in a dominant position in the market (33%)

Documentation :

  • AWS is the most complete in terms of documentation, with the availability of user and developer guides, API references, tutorials, …

Global network :

  • AWS has the most extensive Cloud infrastructure with 87 Availability Zones in 245 countries and territories on five continents

Global Market (source : Statista) :

  • Azure is the second largest provider (22%)

Documentation :

  • Azure has documentation that provides the ability to learn how to manage high-performance applications using Azure Cloud Services

Global network :

  • Azure is available in 61 regions and 175 countries/territories
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Global Market (source : Statista) :

  • GCP is the third largest provider (9%)

Documentation :

  • GCP offers enriched documentation with guides, best practices, architecture diagrams, …

Global network :

  • GCP is available in 35 regions, 103 zones, and more than 200 countries and territories

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