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Map the vulnerabilities of your IS with the pentest

Map the vulnerabilities of your IS with the pentest


Cyber threats are becoming more and more prevalent, forcing organizations to strengthen the security of their information systems. In this context, the pentest is an essential tool to prevent cyberattacks.

A pentest consists of simulating attempts to break into a system, aiming to identify possible vulnerabilities and security breaches.

Carried out by IT security experts, the pentest makes it possible to detect vulnerabilities upstream and to put in place the necessary measures. Anticipating to better protect oneself is the methodology behind pentesting.


Why do pentests ?

Performing pentests has many benefits for organizations :

Identify vulnerabilities

  • The pentest can detect existing security flaws, such as backdoors giving unauthorized access to the system, outdated software that no longer benefits from the latest security patches, misconfigurations that open breaches, etc. Testers replicate the hackers' modus operandi to spot as many vulnerabilities as possible

Test detection and response capabilities

  • The pentest evaluates the organization's responsiveness to cyber threats by testing intrusion detection systems and response procedures in real conditions

Prioritize risks

  • The pentest report classifies detected vulnerabilities by criticality, prioritizing corrective actions to address the most critical flaws

Compare and choose security solutions

  • The pentest makes it possible to objectively measure the effectiveness of a new security tool by testing the IS before and after installation

Raise awareness among teams

  • The pentest raises awareness among all employees about the challenges of cybersecurity. Best practices are adopted: strong passwords, software updates, frequent backups, appropriate behavior in the face of a phishing attempt, etc.

Assistance for obtaining certification

  • Certification process, compliance and conformity with a standard, in particular ISO 27001, PAS 555, SOC2, PCI-DSS, HDS, HIPAA, and GDPR

Comply with regulations

  • Some pentests are required to meet industry security standards such as PCI DSS in finance or HDS for healthcare data management. Conducting these security audits is essential to be compliant

Get an outside expert view

  • IT security consultants bring a perspective to detect vulnerabilities that might be overlooked and offer objective analysis

Reassure customers and partners

  • Having regular security audits reassures stakeholders about the reliability of your IS. Building trust and credibility for the organization


How does a pentest work ?

Before the launch of the pentest, its perimeter or "scope" must be clearly defined. The audit can target the entire information system or focus on specific targets: website, mobile application, exposed IP addresses, internal infrastructure, etc.

A pentest typically consists of four steps :

1. Analysis and Recognition

  • Pentesters analyze the customer's infrastructure: network mapping, asset inventory, etc.
  • They identify potential targets for testing such as network equipment, servers, user workstations, business applications, or website.

2. Vulnerability Detection

  • Using scanning tools and exploits, testers attempt to exploit vulnerabilities on previously scanned targets. They look for backdoors, configuration flaws, unpatched systems, etc.

3. Intrusion Attempts

  • Based on the vulnerabilities detected, pentesters then launch sophisticated cyberattacks to infiltrate systems. They employ the same techniques used by hackers: brute force attacks, denial of service, privilege escalation, social engineering, etc. Different strategies are employed to penetrate systems.

4. Writing a summary report

  • A detailed report prioritizes vulnerabilities by criticality, providing tailor-made recommendations and countermeasures to enhance security.
  • A precise mapping of the strengths and weaknesses of the IS is thus obtained. The customer knows exactly how to fix the security vulnerabilities found during the pentest.


Our Pentest Offer

At Logigroup, we provide you with a team of cybersecurity experts for pentesting.

Our goal is to test the robustness of your information system by simulating sophisticated cyberattacks.

We cover all aspects of the pentest :

  • Pentesting of networks and information systems
  • Web and mobile application vulnerability audits
  • Social engineering assessments to evaluate user alertness
  • Analysis and evaluation of the business continuity plans

Upon completion, our teams provide summary reports enriched with personalized recommendations to strengthen your security. We also recommend concrete solutions to address the gaps and vulnerabilities identified.

We also offer support for the implementation of business continuity and recovery plans, and infrastructure management.



The use of the pentest is a necessity for any organization concerned about protecting the security of its information systems. Pentesting aims to identify vulnerabilities, thereby preventing your organization from engaging in a potentially major crisis.

Leverage Logigroup's expertise to audit your IS and mitigate cyberattacks. Our pentest experience enhances the resilience of many organizations.

Contact our teams to learn more.

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